Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Virtual Worlds

One of the interesting concepts learned thus far in OMDE 603, is the concept of the Virtual Worlds. This is amazing, not the technology; rather, the use of the technology. Who would have thought that computer games and online worlds would have turned into a way of accomplishing a collegiate level education? Going back to the synchronous and asynchronous technologies, this sort of system allows for a great number of possibilities in regards to the diversification of communication. A student can tour around the campus (virtually mind you) and then go to class, without ever being physically present.

The hard part is guiding instructors to use the system. I think this type of system has many flaws and more flaws will be developed in time, like any other quality Web site invention. However, I think the Virtual Worlds have a lot to offer distance education, if the people involved give them a chance. One interesting thing aspect I was thinking about while I was watching all of the videos on Virtual Worlds, was how easy it is going to make peoples lives. Imagine you are living in PA and are interested in a school in CA, why travel all of that way to be disappointed, join a virtual world and take a peek at the campus. Additionally, imagine wondering what your house would look like painted a certain color; why not paint it in the virtual world first? I am going to stop the banter, but I must say that I am impressed with the videos on virtual worlds.


Moody, M., Oh, Y., Boucher, R. Educational Uses of Second Life (video, duration 7:00). Retrieved August 25, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOFU9oUF2HA

Synchronous versus Asynchronous

Alright, so here we go fully capable of blogging. One of the most educational aspects of the course; thus far, was the learning of synchronous and asynchronous technologies. I just finished the assignment I, and I am amazed by the terminology that has already been developed. I truly believe that Module 2A was the start of the entire course. I have been doing a lot of the required reading and it's amazing some of the different technologies deployed both synchronously and asynchronously.

One of the many issues that I have been having with learning about the two types of communication is that they are rarely ever used in combination. I think the majority of distance education courses are focusing too strongly on one type of communication, and avoiding the other communication methods all together. I don't want to go to deep into the session; however, the Wimba session was a perfect example of diversifying the methods of communication. The majority of the time we use asynchronous technologies as a mode of communication in this course (OMDE 603); however, to have a mix up and communicate via Wimba (synchronous) adds a lot to the course. One of my complaints about the majority of asynchronous courses is the lack of personal touch and the interaction is too distance. The problem I have with synchronous is that too much of it takes away from distance education and a student may as well take the class on campus (if available). See you on the next topic....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

General Reflections

So far, we are on a roll. I wasn't 100% sure of the Distance Education degree at first. However, I am starting to become more and more thrilled with learning all of its entireties. First glance, I have always had an interest in the possibilities that distance education brings to the table; now, it is just putting some of the modern day theories and all of the little peices of the puzzle together to establish a larger perspective for DE. Hope everyone, is enjoying the studies and hopefully we will talk in a specialized communiction tool (such as Wimba) soon.

John's OMDE 603 Blog

Hello All,

I will be posting many things over the next couple of days. This is the initial "grand opening." Thanks for viewing. Come back soon.